Featured One Year Listing $49.99Featured one year listing includes up to 10 photos, link to your web site, 1 video clip, coupons and featured placement. Your listing is rotated on the home page.
We rotate your listing on our Facebook pages.
A digital analysis report valued at $350!
You can add any events. You can submit a monthly story about your business which will be featured in our story section. We also share the stories on social media.
This is set up for reoccurring annual billing. We will refund you if you forget.
You must have served in the Ranger Regiment or graduated Ranger School to add your business. Ranger spouses are welcome since the business takes care of the Ranger family. If you are in sales, you can add your business to create opportunities which helps your family as well.
Those that bought a listing on the previous version of My Ranger Biz site get a featured listing on this new site for FREE.
Contact us.
BONUS: All Rangers now get a free one year listing also on AmericanVeteranBusiness.com which is $50 per month! As long as you have a membership on My Ranger Biz, your membership is valid there as well.